
Unser Forschungsschwerpunkt basiert auf einer der alten Lehren von Hippokrates, dass „Medizin unsere Nahrung und Nahrung unsere Medizin sein sollte“ und zwei modernen Beobachtungen.
Eine ständig wachsende Zahl von Menschen kann modernen Weizen als Grundnahrungsmittel in ihrer Ernährung aufgrund einer Empfindlichkeit oder Krankheit nicht mehr genießen.
Seit der Markteinführung von Weizen der Marke KAMUT® haben uns viele Verbraucher gesagt, dass die Probleme, die sie nach dem Verzehr von modernem Weizen hatten, beim Verzehr dieses alten Getreides nicht auftraten.
Anhand der Ergebnisse früher Studien erstellten wir ein Forschungsprogramm, um zu verstehen, warum viele Menschen mit einer Empfindlichkeit gegenüber modernem Weizen berichten, dass sie keine Schwierigkeiten haben, Weizen der Marke KAMUT® zu essen und um die gesundheitlichen Vorteile dieses alten Getreides zu bestätigen.
Study on Polyphenol Profiles
A study investigated the polyphenol profiles of KAMUT® brand wheat, other ancient wheat varieties, and modern wheat varieties (read abstract). Polyphenols are secondary metabolites of plants characterized by antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that have an important role in the prevention of human chronic disease. The content of polyphenols didn’t differ quantitatively between ancient and modern varieties, but results indicated that KAMUT® brand wheat contained one of the most diverse polyphenol profiles. This rich source of biodiversity provides unique nutraceutical value.
Studies on Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Effects (1 of 3)
A first study to investigate antioxidant effects of KAMUT® brand wheat focused on analysis of blood markers (read abstract). Results indicated that compared to consumption of whole grain modern durum wheat bread, consumption of whole grain KAMUT® brand wheat bread resulted in more favorable outcomes based on measurement of antioxidant markers. This effect was correlated to the higher content of selenium and polyphenols in the KAMUT® brand wheat bread compared to the modern durum wheat bread.
Studies on Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Effects (2 of 3)
A second study to investigate antioxidant effects of KAMUT® brand wheat focused on analysis of antioxidative stress markers and antioxidant enzymes in the liver (read abstract). Results indicated that compared to consumption of whole grain modern wheat bread, consumption of whole grain KAMUT® brand wheat bread resulted in higher activity of antioxidant enzymes in the liver.
Studies on Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Effects (3 of 3)
A third study investigated antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of consumption of KAMUT® brand wheat pasta compared to consumption of modern durum wheat pasta (read full text article). Results of analysis of intestinal mucosa indicated significantly increased inflammation following consumption of modern durum wheat pasta compared to consumption of KAMUT® brand wheat pasta.
Study on Differences Attributed to Wheat Varieties and Growing Location
A study investigated differences between KAMUT® brand wheat, “non-KAMUT® brand” khorasan wheat cultivated in Italy, and modern wheat to assess if nutrition and quality characteristics are attributed only to the wheat variety or also to where it is grown (read full text article). Results indicated the richest content of polyphenols and carotenoids and the highest levels of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory markers occurred with khorasan flour, particularly when grown in North America under the KAMUT® brand program. Although the wheat variety appeared to be the main factor in the observed results, the growing location also played a key role.
Study on Differences Attributed to Ancient and Modern Wheat Varieties
A study investigated differences between bread made from two ancient grains, two heritage grains, and four modern grains grown in the same agronomic conditions (read abstract). Each type of bread was digested in vitro and supplemented to liver cells and then assessed for antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Even though it was not possible to distinguish the digested bread of the different grains based on chemical composition, clear differences in the effects on the cells were observed that confirmed potential antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of ancient grains.
Study on Prebiotic Potential of Ancient Wheat and Modern Wheat Varieties
A study investigated the prebiotic potential of soluble fiber extracted from KAMUT® brand wheat, other ancient wheat varieties, and modern wheat varieties (read abstract). Prebiotics are chemicals that can induce growth of healthy gut microorganisms and that limit growth of potentially harmful microorganisms. Results of analysis with two potentially probiotic strains indicated that compared to the other wheat varieties, the KAMUT® brand wheat soluble fiber demonstrated a significantly higher prebiotic potential.
Study on Effect of Diet on Gut Microflora and Metabolic Profile
Two human clinical trials investigated the effect of diet on gut microflora and metabolic profile in healthy participants (read abstract) and in participants with fibromyalgia (read abstract). Results indicated that compared to a modern wheat-based diet, a KAMUT® brand wheat-based diet better supported growth of health-promoting gut bacteria and production of their beneficial metabolites such as Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFA) and phenolic compounds in participants.
Study on Effect of Diet on Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
A study investigated the effect of consumption of KAMUT® brand wheat products in participants suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (read full text article). After consumption of KAMUT® brand wheat products, participants reported a significant improvement in symptoms related to IBS, such as a decrease in the intensity and frequency of abdominal pain, less stomach bloating, less troublesome bowel movements, and less tiredness. Results also indicated an improvement of inflammatory markers in participants with a reduction of cytokines, molecules circulating in the blood that are responsible for inflammatory levels of the body. No significant differences were observed in participants after consumption of modern wheat products.
Study on Effect of Diet on Participants with Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors
A study investigated the effect of consumption of KAMUT® brand wheat in participants with no prior clinical manifestation of cardiovascular disease, but with risk factors for the disease (read full text article). Results indicated that in participants, compared to consumption of modern wheat products, consumption of KAMUT® brand wheat products resulted in more favorable outcomes based on measurement of total cholesterol, “bad” cholesterol LDL, glucose, and in increased mineral levels, particularly potassium and magnesium. Additionally, in participants a decrease in the levels of cytokines, markers of inflammation in the blood, was observed. These results were not observed in participants after consumption of modern wheat products.
Study on Effect of Diet on Participants with Cardiovascular Disease
A study investigated the effect of consumption of KAMUT® brand wheat in participants with clinical manifestation of cardiovascular disease (read full text article). Results indicated that in participants, compared to consumption of modern wheat products, consumption of KAMUT® brand wheat products resulted in more favorable outcomes based on measurement of total cholesterol, “bad” cholesterol LDL, glucose, and insulin, despite also being under a stringent drug therapy.
Study on Effect of Diet on Participants with Pre-Hypertension or Borderline High Blood Pressure
Participation in a collaboration of 12 research centers and 16 companies in the European BACCHUS “Beneficial Effects of Bioactive Compounds in Humans” Project, funded through the 7th EU Framework Program investigated the effect of consumption of KAMUT® brand wheat compared to consumption of modern wheat in pre-hypertensive/borderline high pressure participants (read full text article). Results indicated that in participants, compared to consumption of modern wheat, consumption KAMUT® brand wheat resulted in more favorable outcomes based on measurement of markers including blood triglycerides and glucose, diurnal and nocturnal systolic blood pressure, and endothelial reactivity.
In Vitro Studies Comparing Effect of Ancient Wheat and Modern Wheat Varieties on Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS)
A study investigated the effect of exposure of protein extracts from ancient and modern wheat varieties to peripheral blood mononucleated cells from non-celiac gluten sensitive (NCGS) adult participants and healthy adult participants (read full text article). Results indicated that, compared to the ancient wheat varieties, the modern wheat varieties induced a higher production of inflammation indicating cytokines commonly found in celiac and IBS patients.
A second study involving non-celiac gluten sensitive (NCGS) children participants confirmed the results of the previous study (read abstract).
Studies on Effect of Diet on Participants with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM)
A study investigated the effect of consumption of KAMUT® brand wheat products and modern wheat products in participants with type 2 diabetes mellitus (read full text article). Despite ongoing traditional medicinal therapies with all participants, results indicated a positive impact of consumption of KAMUT® brand wheat products on blood insulin, glucose, and insulin resistance in participants. In addition, results indicated a reduction of markers associated with diabetes vascular complications in participants such as total cholesterol, “bad” cholesterol LDL, and inflammation indicating cytokines.
A second study involving healthy participants confirmed the results of the previous study (read full text article).
Study on Effect of Diet on Participants with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
A study investigated the effect of consumption of KAMUT® brand wheat products and modern wheat products in participants suffering from Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (read full text article). Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is an accumulation of fats in the liver, not due to excessive consumption of alcohol. Results indicated more favorable outcomes in participants that consumed KAMUT® brand wheat, based on assessment of total cholesterol, markers of inflammation in the blood, and liver function enzymes. Additionally, although results indicated an improvement of liver steatosis grading, Doppler perfusion index values, fat mass, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in participants after consumption of KAMUT® brand wheat and modern wheat products, these effects were more evident in participants after consumption of KAMUT® brand wheat products.
Study on Effect of Diet on Participants with Fibromyalgia
A study investigated the effect of diet on participants suffering from fibromyalgia (read abstract). Fibromyalgia is characterized by chronic widespread pain accompanied by multiple somatic and psychological manifestations. Participants that underwent a substitute diet with KAMUT® brand wheat reported significant improvement in widespread pain, the quality of sleep, and the impact of the disease. Participants with higher severity of symptoms reported greater improvement.
Study on Effect of Diet on Inflammation in Sport
A study investigated the effect of consumption of semi-whole grain KAMUT® brand wheat products and semi-whole grain modern wheat products on semi-professional basketball players (read abstract). Results indicated that in participants, compared to consumption of modern wheat products, consumption of KAMUT® brand wheat products significantly better supported control of systemic inflammation. A significant decrease of MCP-1, a pro-inflammatory protein that increases in concentration in plasma following intensive short-duration exercise, was observed in participants only after consumption of KAMUT® brand wheat products. Additionally, participants self-reported an improved health status after consumption of KAMUT® brand wheat products.

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